Cool Cars

July 1st, 2024  |   Comments Off on Cool Cars

I was biking through the Seabright neighborhood this morning and
these two classic cars caught my eye.
The truck is parked there regularly. This is the first time I’ve seen the green machine.
Together they make a pretty classic scene! 

Flower Heart

June 29th, 2024  |   Comments Off on Flower Heart

Seen this morning on Beach Street, Santa Cruz.

All Set

June 27th, 2024  |   Comments Off on All Set

Waiting for the fog to disappear?

Summer Sky

June 25th, 2024  |   Comments Off on Summer Sky

I quickly snapped these three photos while on a bike ride this morning.
It was warm and sunny with some great clouds decorating the sky.
There were a few riders and hikers out but for the most part the trails were quiet.

Summer Fog

June 23rd, 2024  |   Comments Off on Summer Fog

Yesterday morning on the wharf.

Feeling Summery

June 21st, 2024  |   Comments Off on Feeling Summery

Sunset Beach scene.
Retro Rio Del Mar. 

Birthday Weekend

June 18th, 2024  |   Comments Off on Birthday Weekend

Just finished celebrating Olive and Steph’s birthdays! A fun and celebratory long weekend. So busy I forgot to post!

Ace Motel

June 14th, 2024  |   Comments Off on Ace Motel

Caught my eye, Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA.

Random SoCal

June 12th, 2024  |   Comments Off on Random SoCal

When I visit Mom in SoCal I like to take an early morning walk. 
I usually carry a camera and my trusty iPhone. These are a 
few things that caught my eye while wandering.
These three photos were made on the phone with the Hipstamatic app.
Simple subjects!

Surf’s Up

June 6th, 2024  |   Comments Off on Surf’s Up

A warm, sunny, spring morning and a building south swell. Capitola scene!
An unplanned iPhone panorama stuck together from two photos.